An Overview of Current Wave of Extremism and Discord in Pakistan:
Regularly, we witness a huge amount of disharmony in our society, which involves religious intolerance, extreme ideologies and reactions, sectarian conflicts and violence, false blasphemy allegations, violence and killings in the name of religion and ethnicity, etc. Such incidents have become so normalized that we do not even realize the seriousness of it, as these incidents occur every few days, and our state and government do not seem to take any major steps to deter these incidents and terminate extremism from society to promote harmony and peace. The primary problem is that we have zero tolerance for others’ opinions and beliefs; instead of creating understanding and maintaining healthy and rational discussions, we prefer to argue and quarrel over every trivial and major issue, which causes imbalance and discord.
Some Major Incidents Recently Occurred in Pakistan:
There have been many incidents that have caused a lot of damage to harmony, peace, and the image of Pakistan. Let’s have an overview of these happenings.
Murder of a Christian by mob: In May 2024, a Christian was brutally killed in Sargodha, district of Punjab, by an outraged mob on the allegation of disrespecting the Holy Quran. Despite this allegation not even being proved, the mob, consisting of countless men, violently beaten the man with bricks, kicks, and fists outside his home and also attacked some other Christians and their families in the colony. A FIR was filed against the mob for terrorist attacks and for blasphemy on the Christian, while he died after a few days of this incident. How can these people breach the laws and murder anyone without any valid proof and court and law involvement? Even though Islam has forbidden such terrorist acts and violence, especially when one has no evidence of such allegation.
Attacks on Christian community in August, 2023: Last year in August, there was an extreme violation against Christians in Jaranwala, district of Faisalabad, which resulted from an accusation of blasphemy (false proved) on two residents, leading towards heinous violence on innocent lives by mobs forcing them to leave their homes by burning, massacring the graves by invading churchyards, burning churches, and so on. This incident deteriorated over 20 churches and 80 homes of these poor people who had not even committed any blasphemy or sin, yet they still suffered due to these extremists’s violence. These poor souls have not even received any compensation from the government for the atrocities they had faced a year ago; in fact, the compensation cannot be paid for the atrocities they faced by those so-called Muslims.
Forceful conversions of young girls: There have been many cases reported of young Hindu and Christian girls being abducted, forcefully converted, and married by the people who call it some good deed to convert non-Muslims. One example is Simran Lohana, a Hindu girl from Sindh who was abducted by a person named Sajjad and married off forcefully. Her family stated that their daughter was abducted and forcefully married off to Sajjad without them knowing. This is not only one case; there are hundreds and thousands of forceful conversions conducted by powerful individuals and oppressors in Pakistan, particularly in Sindh. Isn’t it gross to exploit young girls and force them for conversion and marriage? Individuals who are truly believers in Islam can never commit or justify such heinous and shameful crimes.
Ethnic extremity: Extremism in our country is not only limited to religion, but there is a whole lot of discord between different ethnicities in different provinces, whether a little or too much. Recently, in Balochistan, some extremist gunmen attacked travelers
from Punjab, causing a riot between both of the ethnicities. A few days ago, at Quaid e Azam University in Islamabad, there was an ethnic conflict that occurred between two groups of students, resulting in injuries to many students, and it happens every month! Can you believe they are just young students, the future of this country?
Parachinar incident: Back in few months, a land conflict between two tribes in Parachinar, Khyber Pakhtunkha, led to a sectarian rivalry in which several people (around 50 by reports) were killed and around 200 were injured. There were pictures of beheaded dead bodies and extreme violence roaming everywhere on social media. This brutal incident carried on for many days along with excessive use of firearms, guns, and rocket shells, and government and armed forces were unable to do anything about this sectarian killing. Furthermore, it is not only one incident; Parachinar is home to countless such brutal incidents that have occurred in the past; in fact, not only in Parachinar but in various areas of Pakistan, sectarian conflicts and killings happen every year, whether on some special occasion or in normal day-to-day life. Here arises the question: as a human, as a Muslim, can’t we even tolerate the people from different sects of our own religion? Can’t we have a little tolerance over sectarian issues and not drag religion and sects into every matter?
Influences of Extremism in Youth:
The wave of excessively growing extremism is badly affecting the mindset of youth in one or another way. Many have adopted extremist ideologies inspired by their elders and mentors and have been becoming religiously intolerant and racist by doing and spreading violence and hate speech in social sittings and on social media platforms and calling it somewhat patriotism and religious duties instead of following the true Islamic teachings that deter these mindsets and acts. I have seen such people everywhere on social media spreading hate and negativity about religious and sectarian beliefs and encouraging violence for differences in beliefs and ideologies. They do not even use their brains logically and rationally while talking about such nonsensical and controversial things deliberately, despite knowing what consequences have been occurring from this over the years.
Ethnic intolerance is rapidly growing in youth. Linguistic conflicts happening in many universities in Pakistan are seriously alarming; we should ponder over the incidents like Quaid e Azam University, which is one of the top-notch universities in Pakistan. Our universities and other educational institutions are failing in training students to be tolerant and rational about religious, sectarian, linguistic, and cultural differences; such outrages occurring in the universities show how disharmonious these young minds are.
On the other hand, individuals who have some sanity and avoid such stupidities are being evasive towards Islam and adopting atheism because of misinterpretations of Islamic teachings and lack of guidance towards truth, as most of the Islamic scholars and sectarian Molvis actually provoke extreme ideologies and hate for other religions and sects in these minds, even though Allah has clearly declared in Quran for evading hate, intolerance, and sectarianism. Wrong guidance of Islam and promoting extremism have been causing harm and a bad image of Islam to the world, portraying it as a religion full of hate and terrorism just because of extremist nuisances.
It is a high time for us to try individually as well as collectively to recognize these hateful agendas of hate, to stop these heinous incidents, and to promote positive and rational mindsets with true teachings of Islam among the youth to refrain them from the disruptions and being a part of it.
Islamic Teachings Reject Extremism:
People who think that Islam promotes terror and extremism, I want to clear one thing straightly: “Islam has never supported any kind of extremism or killings in the name of religion; Islam is a peace-loving religion that only promotes justice and righteous deeds; it is the people and some Molvis who support negative agendas for their personal causes and promote sectarianism, which is strictly forbidden in Islam. Our religion has always been peace-promoting and denies disruption of all kinds, whether sectarian, religious, or ethnic.”         I want to share some Quranic verses and Ahadiths to present the true essence of Islam, which is not usually presented by the Muslims.
Here is Quranic evidence for the people who have divided their sects and beliefs and are involved in spreading disruptions in society, along with emphasizing that the matter of division is between Allah and His worshippers:
“Indeed, you “O Prophet” are not responsible whatsoever for those who have divided their faith and split into sects. Their judgment rests only with Allah. And He will inform them of what they used to do.” (Surah Al-An’am | Verse:159)
These verses beautifully emphasize the true essence of Islam, which is “unity” and avoiding division and conflicts, for those who have been adopting evasion from Allah’s path and creating disruptions in society will be definitely answerable in front of Allah.
People who oppress other Muslims and kill one another, calling Kafir in the name of so-called sects and Islamic preaching, should never forget this Hadith about unity irrespective of ethnicity and sect, and preaching to have mercy on each other and to not leave each other in any case:
“A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Furthermore, Allah has denied the oppression against anyone, whether Muslims or non-Muslims. Momin is only allowed to fight against those who oppress him or harm him; in fact, Allah has even prohibited transgressing in fight even if the opponent is the one who commenced the fight. Then how can we, as Muslims, oppress anyone who is innocent and is not harming us and transgress the limits narrated by our Creator?
“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.” (Surah Al-Baqarah | Verse: 190)
In our state, allegations of blasphemy and killing innocent people have become common; no one bothers to investigate the incident, and instead of letting the law and court decide who is right and wrong, illiterate extremist mobs come forward and kill the people without any proof, which later turns out to be false allegation most often, and these extremists easily get away from it. The same thing happened in the Sargodha and Jaranwala incidents, where innocent lives got oppressed unjustly without any evidence.
Even in the case of Asiya Maseeh’s blasphemy, Asiya was declared innocent, and no one could prove the blasphemy with valid evidence. Still, Molvis and the public were demanding to hang her with the slogan “Hang Asiya Maseeh” even after her being declared innocent. Islam has never supported injustice, punishing innocent people, or fighting without investigation. Allah has clearly defined the importance of justice, peace, limitations, and investigation before fighting for the cause of Allah:
“O you who have believed, when you go forth (to fight) in the cause of Allah, investigate; and do not say to one who gives you (a greeting of) peace “You are not a believer,” aspiring for the goods of worldly life; for with Allah are many acquisitions. You (yourselves) were like that before; then Allah conferred His favor upon you, so investigate. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted.” (Surah An-Nisa | Verse: 94)
In another Quranic chapter Allah says: “God commands justice and fair dealing.” (16:90)
“And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance. That you not transgress the balance. And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.” (Quran 55:7-9)
“Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.” (Quran 4:58)
This is the importance of justice in Islam, which is equal for everyone, whether one is a believer or not. One should fear Allah before accusing anyone regardless of religion, should always judge justly, and should never fear to stand with the right and against the wrong.
“So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds.” (Surah Muhammad | Verse: 35)
Allah sent Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) for the guidance and mercy for mankind, not only for the Muslims, which He mentions in the Quran: “We have sent you (O Prophet) only as a mercy for the whole world.”
Another verse highlights the importance of being kind and just towards those who have never harmed you, whether they are believers or non-believers:
“Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those who are fair.” (Surah Al-Mumtahanah | Verse: 8)
Lastly, I want to share this Hadith of our beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), which clearly forbids to do any kind of injustice with non-Muslims living in a Muslim country and instructs to protect their rights at any cost:
“Beware, if anyone wrongs a mu’ahid (i.e. a non-Muslim enjoying the protection of Muslims), or diminishes his right, or forces him to work beyond his capacity, or takes from him anything without his consent, I shall be his adversary on the Day of Judgment.” (Sunan Abu Dawood)
These are the teachings of Islam, which strictly prohibit extremism and violence and promote peace and justice. We should promote our true teachings and deny any kind of extreme agendas that cause harm to our harmonic and diverse society and defame our country and peaceful religion in the world. We should idealize and exemplify our Prophet, Caliphates, and Companions of Prophet who never practiced or preached hate and extremism and always committed deeds that pleased Almighty Allah.
Conclusive Thoughts:
I have witnessed countless people spreading hate and extremist ideologies in the name of Islam and preaching. I remember an Islamiat teacher from my primary school time who used to spread hate about an opposed sect and inject hateful thoughts in young minds through her words. She was not only the one teacher; in fact, there are countless teachers, mentors, scholars, Molvis, and unfortunately even our parents who infused hate in our minds from a very young age instead of teaching us love, humanity, and peace, which is actually the true essence of Islam. We should never forget that teachers, scholars, and parents are accountable for their teachings to the young ones, and we, ourselves, ought to become a true guide to our young ones so that they can follow the truth and spread the truth and not deviate from Islam due to religious disharmonic ways of the society. We also must keep an eye on our surroundings to eradicate any kind of negativity and extremism from people’s minds before it cultivates. As a society, we must struggle collectively to stop any hateful agendas or disruptions by making high authorities attentive towards taking steps beforehand to control and cease disasters.
So, this is all about today. Keep spreading peace and patience and promoting the true teachings of Islam, as it is the basic duty of every Muslim.
