Making money with WordPress websites:
You have probably heard about this thing called WordPress and how people using it to make money. They could be developing WordPress
themes and plugin or creating amazing websites.
Maintain WordPress site:
Start here if you are new to WordPress. With a WordPress maintenance business you charge a monthly fee for basic to advanced maintenance services. Some of the services you will provide are:
Automated updates to WordPress.
Automated updates to themes and plugins.
Automated backup and restore.
Monitoring of things like security, uptime and traffic.
Detailed report:
You may provide additional service depending on your skill set and willingness.
Starting this business is easy as signing up for a service that help you manage multiple websites.
Designing WordPress site:
Despite what you might have heard, You technically don’t need programming experience to design a great WordPress site. With the right theme and plugins practically anyone can make a high performance, high security ,professional-looking site in a few hours. The web design codes are built for us. They are easy to customize and it makes building a WordPress websites easy even for beginning WordPress builder.
WordPress website tips for beginners:
1.Plan Ahead:
Before we start anything we need to create a checklist for our WordPress websites. This will keep us on task and make sure we don’t miss any important steps in the process. We need to start with choosing a web host and package that works for us. Then we want to pick our theme and consider any necessary plugins and customization. We should also set a timeline, specially if our WordPress websites need to complete by a certain date. Its easy to get excited about what’s ahead, but we need to ensure that our goals are attainable based on your experience and knowledge of WordPress design. In our plan, keep things simple. Take a streamlined approach that can be built open or added to as we go.
Be sure to include dates to touch base with clients, partners and other people involved in the design process. Also include extra Time after
these meetings to account for time spent on things that need to be changed.
2.Consider Themes:
Yes we can keep the free theme from WordPress, but it’s going to limit what we can or cannot do on websites. Premium themes are more customizable than free ones. There are better options and they make it easier to fit whatever you’d like onto your websites. We can play around with color schemes more freely, widgets are going to be easier to customize and you are going to have more overall freedom with websites. Especially when we are beginning WordPress it’s worth the investment in a premium theme to save hours of time.
3.Get Picky With Plugins:
They do, however, eat up space on our websites server, especially if they are left unused. We don’t want a bunch of unused plugins sitting on our websites server. Doing so will both slow down our websites and also cause potential security issues. Instead either as we plan or while we are creating. Make a list of plugins we are going to need and do some research to select the ones that will accomplish those goals best.
Some WordPress templates come with built in function that remove the need for many of the popular plugins. Take stock of what functionality we still need to add, and only add the plugins needed for those functions. Here are few plugin types we highly recommended if your theme dose not already include a solution:
Types of plugin:
1:A Contact Form Plugin: Vital for collecting contact information and growing email list
2.A Social sharing plugin: Connect your users with your social accounts and make it easy for them to share your offerings
3.An SEO plugin: We highly suggest using Yoast SEO for optimizing your site pages and blog posts things
4.Page builders: plugin link elementor and wpbakery allow for drag and drop design adding advanced layout without needing custom coding
5.E-commerce plugin: Woo commerce is widely used for creating online stores with extensive add-ons for payment, shipping, and product display.
4.Optimize For Mobile:
Responsive design Now every has a smart phone, there are more people browsing on their mobile devices than on desktop or laptop computers. While you’ll be building your website on a computer, you need to be aware of how your site look and feel on mobile devices or you’ll likely be a huge portion of your potential web traffic. Luckily WordPress templates are purposely designed to be
mobile friendly and responsive, which means that the content you put on your website will automatically adjust to fit whatever screen size
your user are visiting from whether it’s from laptop, mobile or even tablet screen size. Even though WordPress will do all the heavy lifting
here for us it smart to be aware of this, and throughout the process of building a WordPress website to constantly check how things look on
different devices.
Websites load speeds:
According to the google, every landing pages takes 22 seconds to load. However, users begin to impatient and start leaving your website if
it does not loading in just 3 seconds. The longer it takes for your sites to load, the more likely it is that people won’t stick around to see what
you have to offer. This is particularly true on mobile devices, which is where most websites browsing occurs. Unfortunately, keeping your site up to speed on mobile is more difficult than it is on desktop, so you need to beware of how much stuff you are adding to your website.
The two biggest culprit for slow loading speed on a mobile device are:
Large Image Files Too Many Plugins While big ,beautiful images are really nice on desktop computer, on a mobile device you only have so much real estate to show these images. Instead of using the full sized images ,you take on your big DSLR camera or that you download from a stock photo service, you should always resize your image to better match the actual size that’s needed on your desktop web pages. In addition you can reduce the resolution. Where plugin are concerned, only use as many plugins as you actually need. we’ll discuses this a little further later.
Not only does having slow load speed effect the user experience of your websites, its also effects how well your site can be found through search engines. People leaving your website increases your bounce rate, which effects your overall search result ranking on google, making your site much harder to find organically. Always keep in mind that the more simple approach to building a WordPress website is often the best approach, especially it comes to mobile optimization and site speed.
5.Some Focus On SEO:
SEO is short for search engine optimization. Simply, this means your website is optimized for search engine rankings. The more focus you
place on SEO, the more likely you are to climb that number 1 spot on googles search results and tap to the wave of traffic that comes with it.
While you should look into keyword research for optimizing the content on your website, some plugin can help if you have no idea about what you are doing . A well-known plugin is yoast. Beginning WordPress users will greatly benefit from the easy-to-use instructions that yoast provides on how to optimize your web pages and blog posts. Yoast come with a keyword tool, but you have to know which keywords
to type in first, which is why keyword research is so important. once you have found your coveted keywords, you can type it into a box that will automatically give you tips on optimizing the page for SEO.
6.Plugins for woo-commerce store:
Considering millions of online stores worldwide are powered bywoocommerce.It offer users to build and operate an online store forfree rather than paying monthly as many other e-commerce platformsrequire.It is easy to use and customize.Using many of the free and paid
plugins available for the platform,you can get your website to doanything you need to.
1.Booster for woo-commerce: Looking to give our online store amassive boast.booster is one of the most popular woo-commerce
plugins and packed full of features to optimize and customize yourshop.withover 100 over features ,you have control over what you
utilize and ignore.The feature we disable won’t slow down your site,Sono worries there.Use it to add multiple currencies and currency
exchange rates for international custmores. Edit your add-to-cart bttons and add labels to product listings. Booster allows you to customize your cart and checkoutscreens,collecting only the information needed. This simplification can make it easier for customers to purchase, boosting coversion rates. The booster plugin can also allows you to customize you shipping settings, invoicing and packing slips, allows you to automate emails with woo-commerce and much more. This plugin is foundational for both new and experienced shop owners.
Five common woo-commerce issues and how to fix them:
Woo-commerece is one of the best e-commerce softwear,but thatdoes not mean it’s not without any issues.Sure you can get your store
up and running in record time,but what happen when your store isslow?or you experiencing any other common technical issue.As a woocommerce store owner ,you want your store to stay up and running24/7.
Out of date plugin and theme: Keeping your WordPress theme, plugin and core up to date is not Beneficial’s for your sites security and overall performance. But it’s important for your woo-commerce functionality as well. If your theme and plugin is out of date this leave you open to security vulnerabilities, plus it can cause conflicts to occur since the codebase is not up to date with the core version of WordPress. Make sure all your plugin and theme are always running the most up to date version. You’ll also need to ensure that not only Woo commerce but any Woo extensions are up to date as well. Out of date software on this level will cause major issues with your storefront.
To check for existing updates navigate to your WordPress dashboard and go to Woo commerce > system status. Here you’ll find any
important notifications or updates, that are highlighted in red. Update this and see your store return to normal.
Plugin and theme conflict: Theme and plugin conflict are one of the biggest causes of most WordPress website issues, and this include sites
that runs Woo commerce too. The more plugins you have running the higher the chances of a theme or plugin conflict arising. Although they
might add some useful function to your site, any additional plugins you are running bring it with more code. If you are not using a high quality third-party plugin or theme, then this code could be buggy and lead to conflict that brings down your site. Woo commerce itself can’t guarantee any third-party plugin and themes. Because the process and having to pour through the codebase of every theme and plugin out there would be near impossible. Is it a plugin conflict? : If it’s not a conflict with your existing theme, then it could be a plugin conflict. Navigate to plugin > installed plugin and deactivate single plugin that’s’ not Woo commerce or Woo extension. if the problem disappears, then it’s a conflict with one or more of plugins .Now go through your plugin one at a time and activate each plugin. Once you have found one that triggers the issue, then remove that plugin and find a suitable plugin that does not cause the same issue.
7.Ninja Form:
Ninja form is a free form builder plugin for WordPress. It comes with dozen of features and allow us to fully customize your form. We can use
it to create contact form, payment forms and lot of other types of form. Ninja form is a plugin that has received a lot of praise from big names
such as Brian Gardner, The further of Studio Press in the WordPress community.
Comes with 100 of features and offer dozens of premium add-ons you can buy to get more functionality.
Easy to use form builder allow you to customize your forms. The plugin is translation ready, so you can easily translate it into multiple languages. You can add the forms to your sites using the sidebar widget or place the short code in your page or if you know how to code place the template function in your theme file.
8.Backup WordPress Files And Database:
While most websites owner know how important it is to regularly update their website files and database, many people neglect it due to
the time, work and technical know-how involved in doing so. Why backups matter for WordPress: Backups are the safety nets for
WordPress websites and they plan an important role in preventing data lose and ensuring data security. Without a reliable strategy your site can face irretrievable data loss of site crashes, hacker or even just update that don’t go as plan. Backing up your WordPress is ensure that in the event of such disruptions, you can easily restore your websites to its previous state. For an effective disaster recovery, you need a recent
copy of your website files, which means you must export your site up regularly.
Presales’ automatic backup feature is a free solution designed to give you peace of mind. For site hosted on presale ,manual export of site
files are performed overnight any time changes are made to the sites. Its also offer automatic hourly database storage, which is
extremely valuable for busy e-commerce sites where data changes frequently.
Manual database backup step-by-step guide: Manual backups ensure you have a recent snapshot of your site that can be restored if
needed. Lets walk through the process of manually backing up a database. Manual database can be useful for site owners in many
circumstances. For example it’s wise to perform this process ahead of major updates or changes Such as modifications the WordPress
core, updating important plugins or changing your WordPress themes. You should also run a backup ahead of migrating your site to
another service so you have a copy you can restore should anything go wrong. You should also export your site after you made major
modifications, such as landing pages or adding a significant amount of new blog content or multimedia files. This way for sure you know your
heard work is saved in multiple places and you won’t lose your process.
Updraft Plus: Updraft plugin is available in both free and premium versions, creating a wide range of backup needs. The free version
includes scheduled backup, storage on remote services like drop box or google drive etc. The premium upgrade introduce incremental
backups, additional file and database backup options and automatic options following WordPress, plugins or theme updates.it also allow
restoring a backup from other plugin, enhancing its utility and flexibility.
Backing up your WordPress website file using SFTP: Setup your SFTP.
Connect to your sites file using the SFTP client of your choice. we recommend using FileZilla. Select the site files you want to backup and save them in a clearly labeled, easy to find manner similar to your database backup.
Migrating WordPress website: Business owners often find themselves in need of a new web host. Maybe their current web host is not meetingexpectations or maybe they have outgrown their currentplan.Whatever the reason business owner will need their sites migrated
from time to time and this is a service that you can provide. Opening a WordPress migration business requires some pretty strong computer skills. You will find yourself updating a file called wp-config.php with new database information for example. This may sound intimidating don’t fret. Instructions for doing everything you need are easy to find with a quick google search .The bottom line is that you don’t need to be an expert programmer to start a WordPress migrations business.
The best WordPress themes: Finding a WordPress theme is not difficult. Finding the best WordPress themes is a bit more challenging.
Yes the design is important. You need to pick a WordPress theme that matches your brand. You want a modern design that represent your
business well. There are reputable theme development companies that create attractive WordPress themes that also have the correct technical requirements. Other factors to consider when choosing the best WordPress theme:
Customizations: Look for a theme that offers easy customizations, such as changing color and typography.
Simplicity: Simple and lightweight themes provide superior performance. Simpler theme load less java script and CSS, decreasing the
render-blocking resources for page loads.
Support and Documentation: Check to see what documentation or support resources the theme developer provides, if you run into
problems using the theme, you need to know what help is available.
Mobile Optimization: You need a responsive theme that adapts to the device size from mobile to tablet or desktop. Most web traffic is mobile now. The best WordPress website have a theme that lays out nicely on mobile devices and loaded fast.
Finding the best WordPress theme: Knowing what to look for is only half of what you need to know about finding the best wordpress
themes. In addition to identifying your websites need and the basic elements of a great theme ,you should take these steps to ensure you
are picking the right theme.
Read the reviews: See what other people are saying about the theme. Do the review mention any issue? How do current users rank the
support provided by the developers? Are there any problems with custom widgets?
Test it out: Check out a demo site with the theme to see how it works. You also could consider setting up a staging site on your server to
test the theme yourself.
Check the updates: You need a theme that’s up-to-date and compatible with the latest version of wordpress. Before installing a theme, check to see how regularly the developer release update.
WordPress theme we love: Still not sure which theme is best for your site? Try one of our favorites. These themes offer a lot of flexibility and word for various business and sites.
Divi: As one of the most popular wordpress themes in the world, you can use this theme builder style theme to customize your site.
Kadence: Kadence is a fast, light weight theme that offer a ton of flexibility. The starter theme make it easy to create one of the best WordPress sites.
Ocean WP: This theme includes a ton of options for customization, even in its free version.
Hestia: We love all the theme IsIe themes, but this one is our favorite. You can use it with your choice of theme builder.
Hello Elementor: Elementor user should download this theme. With this theme as the starting point. You can use elementor to essentially build your own site theme. Many of these themes support e-commerce, but for more commerce
specific theme recommendations, see your pick for the
best Woo commerce themes.