As an eager and dedicated computer science student, I’m excited to apply my skills in mobile and web development to real-world projects. Throughout my studies, I’ve built a strong foundation in programming principles and gained proficiency in Flutter, HTML, and CSS. Through academic assignments, coding challenges, and personal projects, I've explored the full potential of these technologies. I’m committed to continuous learning and growth, and I believe my strong work ethic, creativity, and passion for innovation make me a strong candidate for future opportunities.
Memoona Mohib is a dedicated and enthusiastic computer science student with a strong passion for mobile and web development. With a solid grasp of programming principles, she has gained proficiency in Flutter, HTML, and CSS through academic projects, coding challenges, and personal experimentation. Memoona is eager to apply her skills in real-world projects and further expand her expertise in Android development, mobile apps, and web development. With a creative mindset, strong work ethic, and a drive for innovation, Memoona is well-prepared for future opportunities in the tech industry.